Thursday, October 28, 2004


Times Online - World

Times Online - World: "Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware has been asked by Mr Kerry to become Secretary of State in a Democratic administration, according to Kerry campaign aides. "
CB is amazed! After all of the complaining on the left that the Bush Administration's picks for this that or the other were "too politically biased", Kerry is going to appoint Joe Biden to SOS. Pardon me, but has Kerry ever talked to Biden? He is a total idealogue! Ne'er a word leaves his lips that aren't word-for-word off of the party line of the day. Not to mention that the man has absolutely no poker face. That face turns bright red every time he hears anyone say anything he does not like. If I were going to go buy a car, would I rather take Powell or Biden? Powell, and the SOS job is just slightly more important.
Click on the link to read the rest of what would be Scary's cabinet.

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