Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Supporting The Troops In His Own Way

Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/23/2004 | An artsy way to give a hand to the troops: "Now Kenny O'Donnell, 57, the passerby in question, is literally lending his hand to the artist's canvas. Using the oil pastels that Wislotski has provided, the Center City resident traces his palm and fingers onto the material and then colors them in with red and blue.
The unwieldy easel, made of scrap wood and screws, is about the size of a twin bed, with hotel sheets donated by the Holiday Inn stapled to each side. Wislotski, a Florida taxi driver who discovered his spiritual calling (he's a devout Christian) in high school and his inner artist at a Woodstock reunion, has been carrying the easel from city to city since June, inviting people to make art peaces for the troops."

This is a good reminder that nearly anyone can try to be helpful.

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