Monday, February 20, 2006


What in the Hell Took So Long?

NKY.Com - Associated Press: "An exclusive, 98-year-old country club in Louisville has admitted its first African-American member.
The Louisville Country Club has been criticized in the past by civil rights groups of discriminatory membership practices.
Louisville banker William Summers V joined the club last month after several members asked him to apply.
'This demonstrates on their part that they want to be inclusive. I encountered no opposition,' said Summers, 35, a bank vice president."

Being from Kentucky, this kind of story baffles me. I have been blessed to not encounter too many people who consider race one way or another. Or maybe I just don't remember as I have been out west for so long now. Whatever it is, this story reminds us that there are still hoards of rednecks that cannot seem to stand upright. It just stuns me that, in this day and age, we could have country clubs that still have no black members. There are plenty of successful and brilliant black people in Central Kentucky. We know that because our Universities are educating them. They are employed by some of our best and biggest companies. These kinds of stories just embarass Kentuckians who have evolved.

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