Tuesday, April 25, 2006


The Language of Rape

Prosecutor: Man Served Date Rape Drink At Cookout: "A Warren County man served drug-filled drinks to women at his home as part of a plan to take advantage of them while they were unconscious, police say."

Can we not say that this man was feeding these women Ativan to "take advantage"? Taking advantage is having a couple of beers. Ativan is in an attempt to rape them. When a quote like that is put out, it doesn't take a genius to know that a man said it. It is a bit dismissive. I am not a whiny sort, but do feel we need to call it what it is. We also need to jail these men and then socially cut them off after if they use drugs to have sex with girls. We need to make this behavior unacceptable in many ways and not have winks and nudges between men. It just makes men look weaker than ever before.

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