Thursday, July 06, 2006


What Happened to 'Liberal New York'? NY court rules against gay marriage: "The New York decision said lawmakers have a legitimate interest in protecting children by limiting marriage to heterosexual couples and that the law does not deny homosexual couples any 'fundamental right' since same-sex marriages are not 'deeply rooted in the nation's history and tradition.'
'It's a sad day for New York families,' said plaintiff Kathy Burke of Schenectady. 'My family deserves the same protections as my next door neighbors.'
Burke and her partner of seven years, Tonja Alvis, are raising her 11-year-old son."

It's all about the children? Really? That is just the worst excuse possible. And to say that it is not "deeply rooted in the nation's history and tradition" is to say that we have always behaved poorly, so we should continue to behave poorly. I see this in southern states where there are devout constituencies, but in New York, we all expect more from them. The Legislature should right this wrong quickly regardless of the Christian/Catholic constituency. We need to finally recognize that it is wrong to discriminate against people who are born this way.

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