Friday, July 06, 2007


DC Madam is Finally Being Treated Somewhat Fairly

Alleged DC madam can distribute records - Yahoo! News: "A woman accused of running a prostitution ring in the nation's capital is free to distribute thousands of pages of phone records after a federal judge lifted a restraining order on Thursday. "

This should not even be a question. Not one for big feminist rants, I am apalled by the situation where the woman is looked at as dirty, shameful and an outsider, but the men who used her service are considered worthy of court protection. I mean, that is the argument, right? It is not rare on "Cops" to see women locked up for walking the streets while men are sent on their merry way. Women have no shot at equality in a system where that is still the norm. Either it is wrong for both sides (it isn't) or it is wrong for neither side. Remembering that not everyone has access to meaningful procreative sex at the snap of a finger, it seems we might just need to get over our superiority complex about prostitution. And really, I am not advocating their use, merely that it is not a criminal offense.

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