Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Iraqis divided by constitution's treatment of women - Los Angeles Times

Iraqis divided by constitution's treatment of women - Los Angeles Times: "Edwar said her organization had appealed for help from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) but had not received a reply to a letter it sent in May."

Read this article. It is terribly interesting as it highlights some of the very complex problems with early governance. I still firmly support this war, so this does not at all deter me from my original beliefs, but tells of how, even with models of "best practices", there are still questions as to how to treat women. Many in the West think that this is a long solved issue, but this article proves that, even as this body can look to the West for guidance, they can also choose not to see what is right there in front of them. Pelosi should be active as should our male legislators and other leaders as this is a major issue. One way this will come back and bite us is in making Iraq seem, and quite frankly be, backward to western nations. It is hard to think of a contemporary society, a Democracy, where it is still lawful to stone a woman to death. This will hamper the country's ability to do business, and will reap a greater cultural divide than is healthy as they begin to rebuild. That isn't the best reason. The best reason not to enforce Sharia law on women is that it is inhumane and disgusting, but clearly that opinion is not shared. Again, this is something our country should be negotiating on behalf of all of the women of that country.

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